Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chapter 1 Essays (9523 words) - Psychology, Behavior,

Part 1 What Is Psychology? Numerous CHOICE 1. Brain science is characterized as the logical investigation of |a.|behavior and mental procedures. | |b.|diagnosis and treatment of conduct issue. | |c.|conscious and oblivious mental procedures. | |d.|the mind. | ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual NOT: BTC 2. The logical investigation of conduct and mental procedures depicts |a.|behaviorism. |c.|psychology. | |b.|psychoanalysis. |d.|clinical brain science. | ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 3. Eduardo DeLeon is occupied with logical research including the investigation of conduct and mental procedures. DeLeon is a |a.|psychotherapist. |c.|psychiatrist. | |b.|psychoanalyst. |d.|psychologist. | ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Applied 4. As a science, Psychology has four objectives. Which of the accompanying is it safe to say that one isn't of those objectives? |a.|eliminate conduct |c.|predict conduct | |b.|explain conduct |d.|control conduct | ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 5. A __________ proposes a relationship among watched occasions. |a.|science |c.|prediction | |b.|theory |d.|school of brain research | ANS: B DIF: 1 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 6. A palatable mental hypothesis of thirst would |a.|be ready to anticipate when individuals will or won't drink. | |b.|be ready to portray age-related drinking conduct. | |c.|both an and b. | |d.|none of these. | ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 7. Speculations permit therapists to make __________, for example, a customer's possibility of recuperation. |a.|descriptions |c.|predictions | |b.|explanations |d.|beliefs | ANS: C DIF: 2 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Applied 8. Which of coming up next isn't valid for mental speculations? |a.|Theories make presumptions about conduct. | |b.|Theories clarify conduct and mental procedures. | |c.|Predictions are gotten from speculations. | |d.|Theories are constantly disposed of as new perceptions are made. | ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 KEY: WWW MSC: TYPE: Factual 9. The clinical therapist's point in applying forecast and control standards to a customer's conduct is to |a.|decide the treatment. | |b.|help the customer meet their objectives in treatment. | |c.|allow the customer a restricted scope of choices for their | | |behavior. | |d.|use a database to detail a treatment for the customer. | ANS: B DIF: 3 REF: 1-4 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Applied 10. Dr. Rossini is building up a preparation program to support a youthful lady with mental impediment to sort garments in the clothing of the private office in which she lives. At whatever point she plays out her activity as indicated by the convention, she gets a prize. On the off chance that she doesn't remain on task, she gets no prize. Applying the standards of learning hypothesis to the immediate alteration of human direct is alluded to as |a.|pure inquire about. |c.|psychoanalysis. | |b.|basic examine. |d.|the practice of brain research. | ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 11. The consequences of ________ inquire about in the investigation of the perceptual improvement of babies and lower creatures is regularly helpful in detailing the treatment of visual issue in people. |a.|pure |c.|controlled | |b.|basic |d.|action | ANS: A DIF: 3 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 12. Applied research will be look into embraced |a.|with people. |c.|for its own purpose. | |b.|with lower creatures. |d.|to discover answers for specific| | |problems. | ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Factual 13. The distinction among unadulterated and applied research is the contrast between |a.|prediction and control. | |b.|practice and hypothesis. | |c.|research for the wellbeing of its own and research to explain explicit | | |problems. | |d.|application and adjustment. | ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 14. Research utilizing PCs to comprehend man-made consciousness is a case of __________ look into. |a.|pure |c.|longitudinal | |b.|applied |d.|none of these | ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Applied 15. Dr. Langer is treating an understudy for misery in his private practice. In all likelihood Dr. Langer is a(n) __________ therapist. |a.|counseling |c.|educational | |b.|school |d.|clinical | ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 KEY: WWW MSC: TYPE: Applied 16. Jean, a separated from mother with two youngsters, wedded Harry, a single man with a young little girl. From the beginning of her relationship with Harry, Jean experienced issues in identifying with his little girl. When hitched, the family issues among stepmother and stepdaughter became exacerbated. Who may be counseled? |a.|a formative clinician |c.|a directing analyst | |b.|an instructive clinician |d.|a mental social specialist | ANS: C DIF: 2 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Applied 17. Diagnosing the seriousness of psychological maladjustment and conduct issues is typically the activity of a(n) __________ therapist. |a.|clinical |c.|school | |b.|counseling |d.|educational | ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 1-5 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 18. School therapists are utilized by school regions to |a.|develop accomplishment and fitness

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